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Latest articles by Ronan Cremin

Device Detection

The speed imperative—DeviceAtlas and GPUs

DeviceAtlas has some of the world's most demanding customers, and that's just how we like it. A who'...

Ronan Cremin - 22 May 2024
3 min read
Client Hints

User-Agent Client Hints - A Year in Review

Google's User-Agent Client Hints have now been rolled out for a year. We will take a look at the imp...

Ronan Cremin - 07 Feb 2024
7 min read
Client Hints

Preparing for Chrome 110 and User-Agent Client Hints

In the next few weeks, one of the biggest changes to the underlying workings of the web in some time...

Ronan Cremin - 20 Jan 2023
2 min read
Device Landscape

Devices from the frontier: a tiny GSM/GPRS module

In performing this role we come across our fair share of curious devices. Today's device is a tiny G...

Ronan Cremin - 19 Feb 2021
2 min read
Device Landscape

Devices from the frontier: the smart projector

Today's device is a smart projector. This is a new category of devices that encapsulates projector f...

Ronan Cremin - 08 Nov 2019
1 min read
Device Landscape

Devices from the frontier: the pen / fan / phone

Today's device is a dual SIM phone that is also a pen and a fan. It includes a voice changer, a came...

Ronan Cremin - 30 Oct 2019
1 min read
Device Landscape

Devices from the frontier: the cable phone designed as a spy device

Today's device is a phone in a cable. It can make and receive phone calls and SMS messages. As soon ...

Ronan Cremin - 16 Oct 2019
1 min read
Mobile Web Design

Measuring page weight

Measuring the weight of a web page used to be a simple matter of waiting for the page to finish load...

Ronan Cremin - 08 Oct 2018
15 min read
Mobile Web Design

Understanding web page weight

Page weight is the gravity of the web - a relentless downwards drag, ever present and utterly unavoi...

Ronan Cremin - 04 Oct 2018
14 min read
Device Detection

Why DeviceAtlas is both Fast AND Accurate

Speed should never come at the cost of accuracy. Accuracy is the sine qua non of device intelligence...

Ronan Cremin - 30 Nov 2017
4 min read
News & Events

DeviceAtlas granted a new patent in the EU

In July 2017 the European Patent Office granted a patent to DeviceAtlas that was originally filed in...

Ronan Cremin - 22 Sep 2017
2 min read
Mobile Web Design

AMP for all using DeviceAtlas

AMP is growing in importance in the web publishing world. This post describes a method for exposing ...

Ronan Cremin - 30 Sep 2016
4 min read
